
2019. 09

Citation for balanced national development: Chairman of Presidential Advisory Committee for Balanced National Development

2015. 12

Excellent Sales Award From Kawasaki Robotics

2010. 05

Digital Welding Bead Measuring Instrument : NEP certification and registration of excellent products by Public Procurement Service

2009. 04

Received Best Executive Award : Changwon Mayor

2008. 04

Developed digital welding bead measuring instrument

2007. 12

Citation for Robot National Merit Commendation : The Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy

2007. 12

Citation for Robot National Merit Commendation : The Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy

2006. 12

Appointed as a superior technology company : Korea Technology Credit Guarantee Fund

2006. 05

INNO-BIZ Certification

2005. 05

Received Marketing Pioneer Award : Korean Academy of Marketing Science

2004. 10

Received Excellence Award for Gyeongnam Science and Technology : Gyeongnam Governor

2004. 08

Appointed as Promising Small and Medium Enterprise : Kyongnam Bank

2003. 12

Established Annex Research Institute of Robot Valley Co., Ltd.
ISO9001, QS9000 Certification

2003. 01

Selected as welding robot supplier for shipbuilding by Samsung Heavy Industries

2002. 08

Selected as company in charge of robot coating line by Renault Samsung Motors

2001. 04~2002. 01

Supplied click line robotic automation system to Hyundai Motors

2000. 03~2001. 03

Supplied PDP line robot automation system to LG Electronics